
The authority on identity and security in Microsoft

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Time synchronization is an important yet sometimes overlooked part of security. Ensuring proper time settings is paramount to security in unexpected ways. [...]
In this post learn how to implement claims-based application access control when Azure AD B2C is federated with another identity provider. [...]
In this blog, I’ll show you how to configure a service provider-initiated SAML application to integrate with Azure AD B2C. [...]
Remediating LDAP security issues is important because the default configurations on domain controllers (DCs) and clients are open to various attacks. Learn how to remediate those issues. [...]

Applications that use Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) are prevalent in virtually every organization that uses Active Directory (AD). Unfortunately, the default AD configuration provides opportunities for insecure LDAP connections. [...]

Azure AD B2C offers authentication as a service. Knowing the trade-offs between out-of-the-box user flows and custom policies can be a huge advantage. [...]
Microsoft announced that after October 31, 2021, viral Azure Active Directory tenants would no longer be created for B2B collaboration. [...]
Inactive accounts that aren’t disabled in a timely manner threaten your AD environment. Cleanup of these accounts is crucial to keeping an organization secure. [...]
Deciding who can access data is a key part of zero-trust. With Azure AD authentication contexts and other tools, you can do exactly this. [...]
Shortcuts for when you’re building scripts to work with AD or working on servers with limited access to tools. [...]
Until passwordless authentication is a more viable option, we must take steps to defend against password spray attacks. Azure Active Directory can help. [...]
Azure Active Directory Connect (AADC) installation creates a set of permissions that in most cases does not follow the concept of least privilege. [...]