Protecting Active Directory from Attacks: Identity Processes, Trust Settings, and More

Protecting Active Directory from Attacks: Identity Processes, Trust Settings, and More

What should you tackle first in locking down Active Directory from cyberattacks? In this podcast, Sean Deuby from Semperis and Brian Desmond from Ravenswood Technology Group share tips for five actions you can take now to significantly improve your security posture:

  1. Implement good identity processes
  2. Ensure that trust settings are reviewed to close security gaps, especially in environments with mergers and acquisitions
  3. Plan and test your AD backup and recovery strategy
  4. Check your Kerberos settings
  5. Deter lateral movement with cyber-attackers


Protecting Active Directory from Attacks: Identity Processes, Trust Settings, and More

What should you tackle first in locking down Active Directory from cyberattacks? In this podcast, Sean Deuby from Semperis and Brian Desmond from Ravenswood Technology Group share tips for five actions you can take now to significantly improve your security posture:


  1. Implement good identity processes
  2. Ensure that trust settings are reviewed to close security gaps, especially in environments with mergers and acquisitions
  3. Plan and test your AD backup and recovery strategy
  4. Check your Kerberos settings
  5. Deter lateral movement with cyber-attackers